As designers, we spend so much of our time developing and discussing systems. Systems are how we describe a series of elements working together to create a cohesive whole or to achieve a larger goal. We spend days, weeks, months organizing logic and rationale to define brand identity systems that will stand the test of time, but also evolve and adapt.
However, this word—“systems”—has much broader and more significant implications in the world beyond our creative conversations. It appears in every aspect of society: our education systems, our economic systems, our housing systems, our criminal justice system, our health care systems, our environmental systems.
We recognize the inequity of these systems and the inevitability of continued damage until we replace them with something new. Systems are not impartial, it is up to the makers in who they will support, who they will suppress, or who they will ignore.
Democracy is our political system; the system of systems. It’s actually a beautiful idea, where elected officials will shape systems on behalf of the people, according to the world the people wish to live in. It’s designed for the elected officials to work in service of the people, listening and organizing on their behalf. Democracy’s ideal is that all voices will be heard, but it requires participation.

As citizens, we have an obligation to operate under good faith, to actively engage in our part: to vote. To raise our hands and fulfill our role as members of society. While it’s easy to shrug off the seemingly insignificant singular voice, or pessimistically opt out, it’s our responsibility to each other—to better tomorrows—to recognize the significance of our collective voice.
Voting is the most direct action at this moment that we can take to participate in that collective voice.

These digital stickers have been developed as part of a larger campaign built around three simple words: I Will Vote. They affirm an individual and shared commitment to participation in this political system.
This collection of graphics is designed to be freely shared in digital spaces to increase voter turnout, especially among young and first time voters. While we’ve seen an increase in civil activism, there is still pervasive skepticism around the role of voting as a driver for change.
This November, we have the opportunity to directly impact our systems: by electing the officials who design, deploy and enforce them. We must use our vote as our voice to speak collectively with volume that accurately responds to the state of affairs and not be silent until all of our systems are designed to support all of our people.
You can find these digital stickers through Giphy on iMessage and Instagram, search: #iwillvote or #wearecollins.
Megan Bowker is a Design Director at COLLINS.
Artwork by:
Kristine Lim
Nick Ace
Sanuk Kim
Jump Jirakaweekul
Zuzanna Rogatty
Eric Park
Mackenzie Pringle
Megan Bowker