Based on the findings of a major global study, “The Real Truth About Beauty: A Global Report,” Dove discovered an alarming statistic about women and their self-esteem: Only 2% of women around the world describe themselves as beautiful. Dove wanted to do something about it.
Working with Ogilvy & Mather, Toronto, we aimed to challenge the media’s unrealistic and unattainable definition of beauty. “Cherish Authentic Beauty,” became our rallying cry. We set out to push up against the media representation of beauty and redefine what it meant to our culture. To get started, we realized that in order to cherish their beauty, women would first have to be faced with it.
We invited female photographers to create portraits of real beauty wherever they saw it. Our subsequent exhibit traveled through malls all across Canada, launching what would ultimately become, “The Campaign for Real Beauty.”
All major news outlets in Canada covered the exhibit with an estimated PR value of $21M. The result was a doubling of Dove’s unaided brand awareness.