An idea only becomes an idea once it challenges the status quo.
That’s how we developed a new idea with Equinox:
Forbid people from buying new gym memberships on January 1, traditionally the most important membership sign up day of the year.
That was the message of the “WE DON’T SPEAK JANUARY” campaign, which appeared in newspapers, online and outdoor for the first time in 2023.
The campaign tells everyone that Equinox would not allow membership purchases on the first of the year. Historically, the 70% of people who do sign up for gyms in January often do so out of guilt and, more often, cease gym visits within a few weeks.
Equinox wants the committed. Of those who have signed up for Equinox, 95% are still members a year later and have an average of 2.8 visits per week.
A campaign about Equinox’s commitment to its belief of “commitment,” helped Equinox break all kinds of records:
• 504% increase in brand conversation.
• 2.4 Billion earned media impressions.
• Record traffic to website: 52% above its benchmark for the first week of January – Setting a new record for the most visits in seven days.
• Best ever January in terms of sales and leads. Up ~25% in the month-to-date when compared to the previous best January.
And everyone took notice—the campaign is now taught as a case study at a leading MBA program.
Equinox returned in 2024 to run the January 1 idea a second time.
So, Happy New Year.